Your production will be in the best hands at the best place
- Adam Audio S3H
- Yamaha NS-10 Studio
- Dynaudio BM-15a
Gainlab Audio Dictator, Gainlab Audio Bishop, Gainlab Audio Empress, Gainlab Audio Governor, Gainlab Audio Dictator Dual Mono, SSL Fusion, Bettermaker Limiter, Cranborne Audio Carnaby, Millennia TCL-2, Manley Vari-Mu, Chiswick Reach Stereo Valve, Gates STA-Level Vari-Mu, Custom Neve 33609, Custom Neve 1084, PM670 Stereo Vari-Mu Compressor, Custom SSL 4000 VCA, 1176 type Stereo FET, Custom Barry Porter Mastering Equaliser, 1084 Type Stereo Equaliser, UREI Parametric Eq, 2xDISA Tube Preamp, 8xNeve 1073 Preamp, 4×950 Style Solid State Preamp
- Tactile Technology M4000 Audio Mainframe Mixing System with 24 Analogue Channels
- Focusrite RedNet Interfaces 24ch I/O
- AVID Pro Tools
- Logic Pro X
- Ableton Live
- iZotope Ozone 9 Advanced
- IK Multimedia MixBox
- IK Multimedia T-Racks
- IK Multimedia AmpliTube
Austrian Audio OC818, Electrovoice RE20, Oktava MK012 Pair, Sennheiser E602 x2, Rode NT5 Pair, Rode NTA2 Pair, Byerdynamic Opus 83 Pair, AKG D40 x2, AKG E602 x2, Shure Unidyne 545sd x2, Custom U47 based tube mic, U87 based mic

About Us
Today’s production practices have changed significantly with the changes in music consumption habits, which poses new challenges for the studios in terms of both workflow and technical terms. Gainlab Studios has been established with this in mind to respond to these changing trends to provide the most up to date professional audio services from mixing to the closure of the production process actually.

Education and Training:
Our studio collaborates with the ImPro – Budapest School of Music Technology. Our sound engineers lead theoretical and practical courses at the institution.

Gainlab Audio
Gainlab Audio is a Budapest-based studio equipment manufacturer that has grown from the Gainlab Studio into an independent business specializing in high-end audio processing devices.

Budapest, Soroksári str. 48./I.